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Small Grant for the Development of One Health Modules

The Philippine One Health University Network (PhilOHUN), together with the Southeast Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN), aspires to train current and future generations of capable One Health practitioners through the integration of the One Health approach in the curricula of professions and fields under human health, animal health, and environmental health.

PhilOHUN received a small grant from SEAOHUN to develop One Health course(s) for graduate programs. Under this activity, grants will be available to member Universities to be briefed on the result of this small grant project, i.e., the graduate-level course. PhilOHUN will organize orientation webinars for grant recipients to know how to use the final version of the adapted course and how to adapt it for curricula.

Webinar attendees will be faculty members from their own university as well as other universities in their region (National Capital Region, Cordillera Administrative Region, etc.). The grant recipients will:

(a) review and adjust the PhilOHUN course for their use within their curricula and or instructional design; (b) pilot the adapted courses in their respective Universities and adjust based on the feedback from the pilot; (c) serve as facilitator for the orientation webinar; and (d) conduct pre-test and post-test activities among webinar participants to evaluate effectiveness of teaching-learning modules

To achieve these goals, PhilOHUN launches a call for submission of proposals for the development of One Health modules that can be incorporated in the curricula of relevant graduate programs. The modules to be adapted are based on SEAOHUN’s One Health Modules, which are comprised of seven technical and seven core competencies modules that aim to help contribute to and develop the knowledge, skills, and ability of learners to effectively look for answer to public health challenges beyond one’s own discipline and to collaborate as part of a multi-disciplinary team of professionals.

Module topics: * One Health Concepts and Knowledge * Fundamentals of Public Health * Ecosystem Health * Behavior Change * Collaboration and Planning * Communication and Informatics * Culture, Beliefs, Values and Ethics * Leadership * Management * Policy, Advocacy and Regulation * Systems Thinking


Requirements for submission -Narrative proposal (300 words abstract) -Project work plan and timeline

Eligibility criteria -University with at least one One Health-related graduate program or course

Period of grant -January 2022 to September 2022

Amount of grant -$ 3,111.11 (USD)

Closing date of submissions -January 22, 2022


Jillian Samantha Solis ( Isabel Teresa Salido (


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