Ever wondered whether animals can get COVID-19 too?
Did you know that UPLB has its own COVID-19 Molecular Diagnostics laboratory?
To answer your questions:
Join PhilOHUN’s webinar series on September 23, 2020 (10AM-12NN).
The Philippine One Health University Network (PhilOHUN) is a member of the Southeast Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN) composed of local universities unified with the aim of creating a secured future with minimal threat from preventable diseases. To fulfill this advocacy, we are launching our most current project which is the Zoom webinar series entitled: “PhilOHUN Webinar Series: Ensuring quality of Public Health communication, diagnostics, and infection prevention and control on humans and animals in response to COVID-19”. The goal of this activity is to inform the members of the academic community, healthcare providing units, and local government units of the risks presented by the currently ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Your participation to this webinar series will be truly beneficial in the dissemination of relevant information and awareness regarding the on-going pandemic.
To register, please click this link: http://bit.ly/2ndSessionPhilOHUNWebinar